Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Dear 107,

You came in talking on your cell phone and then wouldn't get off of it to talk to me (STRIKE ONE!) You looked pretty sketchy & you wouldn't get off of the phone talking about how staying at the motel is probably best. Not knowing the rest of your conversation, and based on experience, I'm guessing it's a domestic dispute. A domestic dispute that I do NOT want in my lobby all night. AND THEN- you proceeded to tell ME what the rate should be. Because you "stayed here a few weeks ago on a Friday at $55.00!" Even though, I've worked here in a year and we have NEVER given that rate on a weekend & only VERY rarely give it on a weeknight. BUT- you would know better than me right? (STRIKE TWO!) So yeah- I put on in the back. And HELL NO- I'm not giving you a discount.

AND THEN- you come back! "I'm not staying in the back. I have small children and I don't like the way it looks out there. You need to find me something in the hall!" (STRIKE THREE! I don't NEED to do shit for you.) How was I supposed to know that you had small children? (P.S. 13-yrs-old doesn't qualify as a small child- I was babysitting at that age.) You didn't bring ANY of them in w/ you & I didn't see ANY of them in the car. THEN- you make a big show out of having to lug the baby in the carrier back and forth to your car on your FIVE trips to get your stuff. Why didn't the 13-year-old help you? Or why couldn't the 13-year-old stay in the room and watch the baby while you got the stuff? She's obviously capable, seeing as you left her in the car both times watching the baby unattended? You get no sympathy points from me.

I can't wait to find a different job.


Thursday, November 15, 2007

Dropping the Ball

I've been dropping the ball on this lonely little blog that only I read.

But hey- I've been dropping the ball on life, too. So, what can I do? I had a bad day Monday, so I kinda let the rest of the week roll along on that. Monday- I only worked 2 hours @ Media Relations because I lost my desk. As I'm not a full-time employee and only a mere intern, it was only a matter of time before a full-time employee got my 1/2 of a shared office. However, it upset me in ways that I'm sure aren't completly rational. Plus, the other workstations were already occupied by other interns who long ago in the semester set up their residency at them.

Then, I had a raging headache most of the day. No fun. However, my sweetie brought me a slice of pumpkin cheesecake (YUM!) and a slice of Godiva Chocolate cheesecake (...eh...ok.) to soothe things over. It really helped. I love him madly. Plus, I made Cajun Chicken Pasta (or...CCP for those in the know.) It's probably my favorite food.

Tuesday- it was my turn to have my story critiqued in class. Needless to say, I was a nervous WRECK all day long. I was so afraid of what my classmates would say to me. Especially since I'm falling towards the end of the line of critiques and my responses to other people's stories haven't always been so friendly. I even probably over-critiqued my best class/work friend's story. (Sorry 'bout that.) I get into critic mode & I just can't take my own medicine! However, it went okay. I had some pretty harsh stuff, but it wasn't anything I hadn't already thought of. And it did lead into a huge discussion of "The Gilmore Girls" & I've never actually sat through an entire episode of it. I always felt that the dialogue was just recited. It was like the actors weren't actually even listening to each other, they were just spitting out their lines. Plus, quite frankly- Alexis Bledel's forehead is frightening. And also, I'm not really buying a show where the mom is hotter than the daughter. I'm just putting it out there.

We had some extra chicken left over from the CCP, and we decided the previous night's CCP was SO delicious that we just HAD to have MORE! So- we drove to WalMart to buy some more alfredo sauce & penne noodles. While there, we were like, "What's better than chicken in pasta? Chicken AND shrimp, of course!" SO- we bought some of that & had a rather tasty CC&SP! And I still have leftovers of that in my fridge. Which I will eat probably tonight.

Wednesday-that being yesterday- was TERRIBLE! My hubby went out of town w/ some friends to a NerdCon. It's the first time we've slept apart since we've gotten married. :-( And we'd only slept apart a few nights before then while I was away at my bridal shower/bachelorette party and then the night before the wedding!! So, like, maybe 5 nights total in our 2 years together & now we're spending 4 nights in a row apart! I don't like it. So, last night, I was so freaked out all night that I was hearing things that I barely slept because I didn't have my hubby there to protect me. This morning, I realized that for the first time EVER, I left my keys in the lock on the door. Someone could've EASILY walked in, all the while my husband was not there to protect me. Thank God no one did walk in. But- it's still unnerving. I keep thinking, "What if someone got my keys & made a copy so they can come in later?" SCARY!

Plus, I have to do NewsWatch on Wednesdays, which I ALWAYS hate. Hate! Hate. Hate!! to do.

Today has been crazy. I had to interview someone at 10:30 and then film some stuff. Because of problems w/ the camera, I didn't get done til about 12. Then, I tried to quickly upload & edit my stuff before my class @ 1, but that didn't happen. So, I didn't make it to class! AGAIN! Seriously- what is WRONG w/ me?!?

And, since I have to be in the editing lab @ 8 in the morning, there's a very low possibility that I'll make it to class tomorrow, too. AND- I have to make up 2 hours of MedRel, too. ACK! Fridays are supposed to be my sleeping in day! GAG!


Thursday, November 1, 2007

the plague

I pretty much have it. Yesterday, I woke up all congested. I literally think that I had not a single ounce of any type of liquid in my head. At all. Including the liquid that is supposed to surround my brain. I felt bad and skipped out on my Media Relations job and my NewsWatch. I'm sure I'll get in trouble for that, but I could barely function my cell phone, much less a camera- or my car.

Today, I woke up with no voice and sore and achy. Nose running, and other gross functions which I won't share, but made me say, "I should probably go to the Student Health Center." Needless to say- I'm on my 5th semester here & I've only gone there ONCE before. I have to be damn near dead to go to see a doctor.

Turns out, I have an inner ear infection in BOTH ears & a sinus infection. I got a shot in my butt. OUCH! That was a new feeling. And $90 worth of pills. Amoxicillan and Zyrtec. Hopefully, I will be feeling better by tomorrow. I don't do being sick very well.

I'm waiting for the other evening clerk to get out of class so she can relieve me from the misery of being nearly dead and working at the Super 8. I just pray she gets out of class early.


Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Get Your Own Damn Towels

Dear 156-
As per your request, I refuse to bring you any towels. I'm a young girl, up here at 8 p.m. all by my lonesome. It's dark outside. Perverted construction workers that sleep 4 men to a room without seeing their girls back home for months on end stay in our motel. Hell no I'm not walking around back to bring some freakin' towels! Man up and come get your own towels!

Dear 112-
I do realize that you are, indeed, an inspector and you are coming to inspect our motel in the morning. I do realize that I had to check you in. However, don't get pissy with me because I did NOT realize that your room was free. Do you have any idea how often people tell me that their room is free? And since you know so much about hotels/motels and the business- could you please explain to 156 why I can not leave the desk to bring them some freakin' towels?

Dear 107-
I'm still not entirely certain that the younger gentleman you bring with you every trip is a "co-worker" or an "employee."

Dear 136-
I will be so damned glad to see you leave. If I have to hear how many times you've had to have your keys remade ONE MORE TIME, I will just have to refuse to give you a new key until you learn to keep your keys out of the same pocket that you keep your cell phone in. It's like we told you- the rewritable strip on the back of the key will become demagnitized by your phone!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Not Psycho

This is the single BEST classified ad I've EVER seen:

NOW HIRING Shot Girls.
Applicants must be drama-free and not psycho. Apply in person at Night Town Billiards any evening after 7:00 p.m.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

A Porsche at the Super 8

...is part of the reason that I think we probably are the nicest people in town. There is a heart surgeon from Memphis that comes down about once a month or so to do some on-call work at the local hospital here in town & he has more money than I can imagine. He always gets a suite, just for him and his little bitty doggy, Samson, and (sometimes) his boyfriend. He parks his really nice Porsche right in front. Why is this odd? Because, literally- we are nowhere close to the hospital, we are not one of the nicest motels in town, and we don't even have the cheapest suites in town. So, I think he always stays here because we are nice people. ...just a thought.

I like random facts, so here are some more about me:

  • Growing up, I didn't think it was really possible for men to REALLY love women. I thought women's feelings ran much deeper than men's. And sometimes, just sometimes, I still believe that. Even though, my husband has taught me to know better than that.
  • I like shows about surgery. Especially plastics. (Nip/Tuck, Dr. 90210, etc...) I like nothing better than to watch people get all sliced up. And then, of course, put back together. Especially on Dr. 90210 because the blood is real.
  • Most days, I'd rather just be poor and live under a bridge than go to work.
  • I'm in my last year of college, and I've decided that I really hate my major and I don't want to do anything with it. Which is helpful, because unlike most of my peers, I haven't gone away to awesome internships over the summers- I've worked full-time in a job that pays my bills and won't let me off for a summer internship. Therefore, I have no idea what I want to be when I "grow up."
  • I read blogs. A lot.
  • I can't pinpoint a favorite band/artist/TV show/movie/song/food/drink. My favorites rotate a lot.
  • I worry that I'm a bad wife. I don't usually cook. Or clean.
  • I worry that I'm a bad friend, daughter, granddaughter, sister, niece, cousin, etc. as well. I don't stay in touch with people and I can't afford to go home for a visit very often.



Friday, October 26, 2007

I'll just say it...

I'm really tired of construction workers. Especially shady ones that have wives/girlfriends/fiancees that call up here 500 times a day & think that I have something going on with her skanky man because he's not answering his phone. What the hell? Gross.

I skipped class again today. I've really gotta stop doing that. But, I was dead tired and feeling gross. So, I cleaned the house & watched last night's "Grey's Anatomy" on my DVR. I cried like a baby at the end. Just saying.

I had McDonald's earlier today & I swear, I don't think I'll ever eat fast food again. I feel disgusting. I feel like a fat, bloated, fast food pig. Disgusting.

It looks like it's raining over at the soccer fields way across the road, yet- it doesn't in our parking lot.

I wanna go home. It's my brother's senior year & I've never gotten to see him play football. :-(


Thursday, October 25, 2007

Did I really just SEE that?

Let me set up a picture for you: I work in a motel, which is across from a Hispanic church. The Hispanic church used to be a PAWN shop. I kid you not. Apparently, pawn shops convert into churches here in Oxford. In the front of the church/former pawn shop, there are glass doors. And I SWEAR that I just saw a NAKED man walk from one side to the other of the doors. I could be wrong, or he could be in head to toe khaki or something. I mean, there is somewhat of a distance between here and there, but WOW. Looked like a naked man walking around in a church. (I suppose they have something going on on Thursdays, BTW- I realize it's not a normal church day.)

My hair looks REALLY good today. I felt you should know that. It's all flowy and shiny. Mah-va-lous, dah-ling.

My dryer almost burned my duplex down today. BIG NEWS there. Apparently, the hose on the back of it that sends lint and condensation came off and my laundry room was BURNING hot, and completely covered in lint and condensation. We're talking, fuzzy water on the walls, doors, and anything else in our tiny laundry room. I discovered this minutes before going to class when my SMOKE ALARM was set off by my DRYER!

Recently, I've become hooked on Capri Suns. Like, I wish I one of those beer hats, but for Capri Sun pouches, so I can drink two at a time with NO HANDS!

Also- on to TV news-

America's Next Top Model- Ebony SO deserved to go home. I don't know why Tyra chose Ambreal to go over Ebony because Ebony had a stank attitude. In the end, though, Ebony used her stank attitude for good when she was like, "I've gotta be honest. I wanna go home." So, Ambreal got to stay and Ebony's stank attitude went home. She was just- BLAH. And...stank. There are no other words for it.

ALSO in TV news- on Bridezillas last night, I witnessed the first Bridezillas Stand-Up. The guy just didn't show up for the wedding. Just No Call- No Showed. Let me just tell you men-folk: Standing a woman up on her wedding day (especially since this particular woman PAID for ALL of it by her damn self) is one of the LOWEST thing you can do to a woman (non-abusively.) And then- and THEN- she took him back the next day & they eloped to VEGAS and got married in a damn Vegas "chapel." OMG- No. I would've have been like, "F*** BLEEP BLEEP BLEEP BLEEP!" And then I would've gone to jail, because of assault.


Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Bwah ha ha!

I just got off the phone with my archnemesis. She was pleasant today. I've been waiting on her email for 2 - count 'em- TWO weeks & within 2- count 'em- TWO minutes of getting off the phone, my email was in my Inbox. That's how Sarah CrabWalk gets stuff done! What??!!??

This morning was one of those mornings that I really should've just stayed in bed. However, before I left for class, my supervisor told me, "I really appreciate you and the work you do." It made me feel good about myself.

)Growl( I don't wanna do anything today. Yet- I have 1 hr, 40 min. of office time left, then another hr. of NewsWatch crap, then probably an hour or two of package filming. I just wanna crawl in bed and watch "Friends" re-runs today. With a mug of hot chocolate, heavy on the marshmallows.


Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Ahhh Sweet Godiva

My hubby-licious Husband welcomed me after class today with a Caramel Apple Cider from Starbuck's & 2 Godiva Milk Chocolate bars. *sigh* YUM. He's dreamy.

Today's been a disgustingly miserable day. It's been rainy & cold all day long. I could barely make it through my morning class. I made a 90A on my latest package. And quite frankly- I'm a little pissed about that. I think it was DEFINITELY better than my last one, of which I also got a 90A on. So- my next package- it's gonna have to be ROCKIN'!! However, I am thankful for my A, as I understand that very few people in the class actually got As. So- yay!

There's only a month & a week left of actual school. (If you don't count the week of Thxgiving & the week of -gag- finals.) I'm so excited. I only have ONE class next semester! Yay! So, I'll probably spend more time interning. Or not. Maybe I should just take the semester to calm the ef down before I step into the "real" world. I'm so not ready for that.

Today- in class- we were going over this girl's story, which was set in Austria. This dumb girl in my class said, "I don't understand why the desk clerks don't speak English. I mean, shouldn't they speak English is Americans go there to visit?!?" Stupid! About 90% of our clientele is Hispanic. I don't speak Spanish. Heck naw. You come to my country & you learn to talk to me. I will not cater to you!! *shakes fist*

ALSO- I may or may not have a harrassment suit against me soon. Long story & far to complicated to blog about. Just thought I'd mention it if it came to fruition.


Monday, October 22, 2007

Wet -n- Cold

It's a miserable day in the neighborhood. Rainy & chilly. My feet and the bottems of my pants are frozen. That's the grossest feeling I can think of. That- and my legs are fuzzy. I. Am. Disgusting.

Mandy Lynn got kicked off of "America's Most Smartest Model" last night. Can't say I hated to see her go. She seemed like a real sweetheart, but her face was sooo ugly. However, I will say this- she took the judges advice week-by-week and applied it! I had to give her mad props for that.

I pulled something in my back last night. I was flipping over and simultaneously trying to get closer to Brandon when my lower back just said "NO!" I felt like one of the wrestler's whenever they try to dive onto someone from one of the corner posts & they hit the mat instead & they just kinda flop around in pain, clutching their back. That's what I looked like around 1:00 a.m. this morning. Brandon got all scared & wanted to go to the hospital (mainly because I was crying like a baby & could barely move.) And I was like, "No- let's wait it out til morning." (mainly because we don't have any insurance.) And today- it just feels like the leftover pains from a Charlie Horse.


Sunday, October 21, 2007

So happy to be married.

I'm sitting here listening to one of my nearest and dearest friends cry over the phone lines because her long-distance boyfriend's psychotic ex-girlfriend got his car taken away from him the day before he was supposed to come see her. Apparently, the car was in the ex-girlfriend's name and it was "supposed to have been taken care of." And what-not. Blowing smoke up her ass or truth? Who knows? But, I do feel sad for my friend. Thank God I'll never have to go through the relationship b.s. like that again.

On the flip-side, another one of my nearest and dearest is going through the beginning stages of a budding relationship. She's got a crush and all signs are pointing to he has a crush on her, too. There's something special about that. And it does make me sad that I'll never experience that again.

But overall, this morning, I woke up to my hubby making me breakfast and babying me because I wasn't feeling so good. He just loved on me and made me laugh so hard that it hurt. And in those moments, I wouldn't trade the newness of a first kiss or all the giddiness of "Oh my God- I think he likes me!" for what I have now.


Thursday, October 18, 2007

Twice in One Week!

That's just scandelous!

I've had 2 stories that I've done be the top story on the NewsDesk this week! Whoot. I don't know how to install links to them, but if you go to olemiss.edu, and click on the NewsDesk link, there's a story about the Acropolis and about David Galef winning the Fulbright. I'm awesome. (Considering the fact that each story took WEEKS to get done & get approvals for.)

We went over my package in class today & it was met with mostly warm reviews from Dr. Schultz. I'm excited about that. And I knew my flaws before he said them, so I think he was impressed by that. Again, I'm awesome.

It seems we have a little mousy friend running around the motel somewhere. Maybe I'll write a children's book about it. But- maybe there already is a children's book about a mouse that lives in a motel... Hmmm... I'll look into that before I write it.

Before Nov. 1st, I have to write 14 pages of SOMETHING. I wonder how impressed Prof. Pendarvis would be if I turned in 14 pages about a mouse living in a motel. Ha ha. Probably not very. But, if he was...man, would I be awesome! :-)

I renewed my car insurance today. MAN! Did that hurt? $369. (However, if paid in installments, I would pay $469. And since I'm not down for LOSING money, I had to suck it up & take it out of my savings account.) *Sigh*

"America's Next Top Model" blurb- I liked that Janet looked like Liza. It made her interesting. However, she was a little annoying. So, sure- kick her off. And I understand that Heather has Ausberger's, which makes her a little socially awkward, but MAN- she is so annoying. Yet- she's been Cover Girl's Model of the Week, like, every week, because she's "such an inspiration." Whatever. Don't know what it is- but she irritates the snot out of me. And that's why my sinuses are acting up!


Tuesday, October 16, 2007

My Ovary Hurts

I'm assuming it's my ovary. It feels slightly ovarian.

My Jour teacher commending me on my interview framing today. Score one for me! Altho, quite frankly, the rest of the package- not so hot. But, maybe he'll just be so impressed w/ my interview framing, I'll get an A anyways.

I missed my Engl class because I was stuck in the editing lab. The thing is- I should have been done before class started. HOWEVER, I tried doing my editing like my Jour teacher told us to do it in class & I screwed everything up and had to start over about an hour before class started. So, I missed it. And feel terribly bad about that, too. Truly. Because just Thursday, I was saying how I wasn't going to miss anymore classes this semester.

I felt very smart today. An article on Jennifer Anniston said she was feeling a bit like "Walter Mitty." AND I KNOW WHO THAT IS! Suck it down tabloids trying to sound smart. I got your joke. I've read Thurber. (Or some of him. Thx Boz.)


Monday, October 15, 2007

That's It?

My neck hurts.

Athletic Media Relations won't get back to me.

The museum guy won't get back to me.

The computer programming guy won't get back to me.

Eddie Smith's opinion column in the DM today about Generation Q. Good stuff.

I am STARVING. I would love a tasty pastry right about now.

I have to do my package between 2 & 7 today. If AMR doesn't get back to me, I'm dead meat.

My shirt is particularly itchy today.

Whuh whuh whuh.


Sunday, October 14, 2007

America's Most Smartest Model

"You are clearly one of the smartest ones here and you're gorgeous!"
(Ah, yes...Daniel & I have so much in common.)

Yeah- I'm watching "America's Most Smartest Model" on Vh1 instead of reading. But, the thing is- EVERY single time I start to read & get more than 2 sentences in- the phone rings or someone walks in.

It's been dramatic tonight. There's a lady in 114 w/ a cat. You can't have animals in the hallway. Plus, she didn't pay the pet charge. I had to fight w/ someone about our cxlation policy. I had to go thru all the football resvs. for Arkansas. Yuck.

Erica got kicked off. I'm fat & I'm still prettier than her. Kick her off, sure.

I wanna go to Beale Street.


I Miss Project Runway

I'm watching the first season finale right now, and I realize just how much I miss it. C'mon November 14!!! (It's an early bday present from Bravo!)

I have been feeling all whuh whuh whuh all weekend. Whuh whuh whuh is an odd mixture of feeling like I have a sinus infection coming on, a headache, and being ridiculously sleepy. I didn't get to sleep til about 4 this morning because I couldn't get comfy. I woke up at 9 to read and fell asleep on the coach til 11. Got up, ate some popcorn, went back to reading, and fell asleep again til 1:45. I just feel like such crap.

I've decided I'm going to be a bride for Halloween. I didn't pay, like, $500 for a dress that I'm only gonna wear once. I'll do some make-up and be a dead bride. Way to Halloween it up!!

I've been trying to read "All the King's Men" by Robert Penn Warren, and it is so not my cup of tea. I've only made it thru 80 pages of the 376 I'm supposed to have read by Wednesday. I've been reading since LAST Wednesday & it's now Sunday.

I wanna go home & see K.B.'s baby, Sarah Audrey. I feel like such a crap friend. I never even got to see her pregnant & her baby's been here for over a month & I haven't even sent off her gift. (I've had it since she was born, BTW.)

I realize I've started every paragraph with "I."


Thursday, October 11, 2007

Losing Grip

My other 2 Blogs started with L's...so, why not?

There is something going on with me that I'm not quite understanding. I think I may honestly be losing my mind. I can't remember to do ANYTHING! This month- my car insurance is due & I only worked 3 days @ the motel last week because Allison was coming into town. The week before that was my 32 hour week, so I knew my paycheck was gonna suck and that October was going to suck because we wouldn't have ANY money. So, what do I do? I forget to turn in my time-sheet at my other job! It's only about $100 per paycheck (I only work 8 hrs. a week), but it's a $100 that we REALLY could've used right now. Such an idiot, I am. Good job, Sayra!

A list of things I've forgotten to do lately (because I like lists):
  • Start reading "All the King's Men" for my webclass. (I finally picked it up & I'm not loving it yet.)
  • Print out 2 copies of my response for my Engl 424 class (I handwrote it on the back of his story...it looks much longer in handwriting.)
  • Send out my mom's b-day card (Her b-day was Sept. 30)
  • Send K.B. her baby stuff I bought for Sarah (She was born Sept. 12!!! She's gonna grow out of the clothes before they ever get to her!!)
  • Send my grandma's Grandparent's Day card (That was Sept. 16)
  • Get my assignment out of my car
  • Bring a book back to the museum (It was due back 2 weeks ago.)
  • Burn the photos I took last night onto a disc! (Idiot! My BOSS had to do it. Not even my boss. My boss's boss. Score one for my letter of recommendation!)

That's enough for now, but I know I'm forgetting some.

Is it possible to go senile at 22?



BTW--I got an A on my Journalism package that I thought Dr. Schultz would rip me a new one for! Frickin SWEET!!! (Also, my story was met with mostly positive reviews in my Engl 424 class & I thought it was the biggest piece of poo that I'd ever written.)

What do those things have in common?

  • I forgot to do them til the VERY last second!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Lacey's Restraining Order

No, I didn't file a restraining order on anyone. More on that later, though.

This weekend, my BFF, Allison, came to visit me from the coast. I loved that for two reasons:

1. I just like seeing my friends from the coast. (Even tho, she just moved back down there a few months ago, she's still a "coastie" friend.


2. It gave me a valid excuse to get off of work for a football weekend. I was sorry to do that to Shari, but I am seriously losing my mind, so any time that I have off of work is appreciated.

We went to the Memphis Zoo, which my husband hyped up to a beyond amazing wildlife adventure. (Of course, he hasn't been since 8th grade or something.) It was nice, yes, but I was expecting something wild and crazy like a safari or something. I wanted to pet the giraffes, but I couldn't. However, a bird did poop on my shirt. Seriously. It was apparently midflight & had to let one go & I happened to be in the way. But, we had a good time.

Then, on Sunday, we sat around watching "Rock of Love with Bret Michaels" ALL. DAY. LONG! From 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. The most exciting thing happened whenever we switched places. I went to sit on the couch & she took the recliner. And on the reunion special, we think Bret has a restraining order against Lacey because they couldn't even be on the stage at the same time.


Yesterday was a terrible day. I had to go film motel/hotels most of the day & it was sooo hot. Then, by the time I finished that, I didn't have time to edit. So, this morning, I had to be on campus at 8 to edit. I got it done, but I was 10 minutes late to class. AND- I forgot to turn in my time sheet to the P.R. office yesterday, so guess what? I'm probably gonna be in trouble with that.

My mind is bottled.


Thursday, October 4, 2007

Losing My Blogger.com Virginity

It happens.

No real reason for this blog, except for the work computers blocked MySpace and Facebook and there are times in my life where I feel it absolutely necessary to share something with a blog. I work in a freakin 2-star motel, for Goodness Sakes! Weird stuff happens & I have to share it w/ the world & I can't do that if my MySpace blog is blocked.

Nothing terribly weird today. so far. Except for Days Inn called me TWICE to see if I had a reservation for a person that showed up over there. Now, that's kind of weird. Don't you think?


  • I don't like Skittles. My jaw starts to hurt while chewing them.
  • I am addicted to "America's Next Top Model" & currently addicted to "Bridezillas." Not exactly highly intellectual TV, but I love it. "Project Runway" comes back in November & that was nominated for an Emmy. That counts as intellectual right? Heidi Klum says "Yes."
  • In a Heidi Klum vs. Tyra Banks smackdown, I think Tyra would start it & I think Heidi would win it.
  • I'm a journalism major & I wish I would have realized how socially awkward I was before I started with that. I don't like talking to people.
  • I hate the ringer on the phone at work more than any other sound in the world. Dane Cook once said, "There are certain sounds that make you wanna punch a baby." That one's mine.
  • I'm really digging these bullet-points.
  • My favorite blog to read is on Glamour.com. Chrissi Coppa's Storked! blog is addicting.
  • I got married @ 22 yrs, 7 months, and 1 week old. I'm crazy in love with my husband. He makes my heart flutter.