Saturday, October 27, 2007

A Porsche at the Super 8 part of the reason that I think we probably are the nicest people in town. There is a heart surgeon from Memphis that comes down about once a month or so to do some on-call work at the local hospital here in town & he has more money than I can imagine. He always gets a suite, just for him and his little bitty doggy, Samson, and (sometimes) his boyfriend. He parks his really nice Porsche right in front. Why is this odd? Because, literally- we are nowhere close to the hospital, we are not one of the nicest motels in town, and we don't even have the cheapest suites in town. So, I think he always stays here because we are nice people. ...just a thought.

I like random facts, so here are some more about me:

  • Growing up, I didn't think it was really possible for men to REALLY love women. I thought women's feelings ran much deeper than men's. And sometimes, just sometimes, I still believe that. Even though, my husband has taught me to know better than that.
  • I like shows about surgery. Especially plastics. (Nip/Tuck, Dr. 90210, etc...) I like nothing better than to watch people get all sliced up. And then, of course, put back together. Especially on Dr. 90210 because the blood is real.
  • Most days, I'd rather just be poor and live under a bridge than go to work.
  • I'm in my last year of college, and I've decided that I really hate my major and I don't want to do anything with it. Which is helpful, because unlike most of my peers, I haven't gone away to awesome internships over the summers- I've worked full-time in a job that pays my bills and won't let me off for a summer internship. Therefore, I have no idea what I want to be when I "grow up."
  • I read blogs. A lot.
  • I can't pinpoint a favorite band/artist/TV show/movie/song/food/drink. My favorites rotate a lot.
  • I worry that I'm a bad wife. I don't usually cook. Or clean.
  • I worry that I'm a bad friend, daughter, granddaughter, sister, niece, cousin, etc. as well. I don't stay in touch with people and I can't afford to go home for a visit very often.



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