Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Bwah ha ha!

I just got off the phone with my archnemesis. She was pleasant today. I've been waiting on her email for 2 - count 'em- TWO weeks & within 2- count 'em- TWO minutes of getting off the phone, my email was in my Inbox. That's how Sarah CrabWalk gets stuff done! What??!!??

This morning was one of those mornings that I really should've just stayed in bed. However, before I left for class, my supervisor told me, "I really appreciate you and the work you do." It made me feel good about myself.

)Growl( I don't wanna do anything today. Yet- I have 1 hr, 40 min. of office time left, then another hr. of NewsWatch crap, then probably an hour or two of package filming. I just wanna crawl in bed and watch "Friends" re-runs today. With a mug of hot chocolate, heavy on the marshmallows.


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