Thursday, October 4, 2007

Losing My Virginity

It happens.

No real reason for this blog, except for the work computers blocked MySpace and Facebook and there are times in my life where I feel it absolutely necessary to share something with a blog. I work in a freakin 2-star motel, for Goodness Sakes! Weird stuff happens & I have to share it w/ the world & I can't do that if my MySpace blog is blocked.

Nothing terribly weird today. so far. Except for Days Inn called me TWICE to see if I had a reservation for a person that showed up over there. Now, that's kind of weird. Don't you think?


  • I don't like Skittles. My jaw starts to hurt while chewing them.
  • I am addicted to "America's Next Top Model" & currently addicted to "Bridezillas." Not exactly highly intellectual TV, but I love it. "Project Runway" comes back in November & that was nominated for an Emmy. That counts as intellectual right? Heidi Klum says "Yes."
  • In a Heidi Klum vs. Tyra Banks smackdown, I think Tyra would start it & I think Heidi would win it.
  • I'm a journalism major & I wish I would have realized how socially awkward I was before I started with that. I don't like talking to people.
  • I hate the ringer on the phone at work more than any other sound in the world. Dane Cook once said, "There are certain sounds that make you wanna punch a baby." That one's mine.
  • I'm really digging these bullet-points.
  • My favorite blog to read is on Chrissi Coppa's Storked! blog is addicting.
  • I got married @ 22 yrs, 7 months, and 1 week old. I'm crazy in love with my husband. He makes my heart flutter.

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