Thursday, October 18, 2007

Twice in One Week!

That's just scandelous!

I've had 2 stories that I've done be the top story on the NewsDesk this week! Whoot. I don't know how to install links to them, but if you go to, and click on the NewsDesk link, there's a story about the Acropolis and about David Galef winning the Fulbright. I'm awesome. (Considering the fact that each story took WEEKS to get done & get approvals for.)

We went over my package in class today & it was met with mostly warm reviews from Dr. Schultz. I'm excited about that. And I knew my flaws before he said them, so I think he was impressed by that. Again, I'm awesome.

It seems we have a little mousy friend running around the motel somewhere. Maybe I'll write a children's book about it. But- maybe there already is a children's book about a mouse that lives in a motel... Hmmm... I'll look into that before I write it.

Before Nov. 1st, I have to write 14 pages of SOMETHING. I wonder how impressed Prof. Pendarvis would be if I turned in 14 pages about a mouse living in a motel. Ha ha. Probably not very. But, if he, would I be awesome! :-)

I renewed my car insurance today. MAN! Did that hurt? $369. (However, if paid in installments, I would pay $469. And since I'm not down for LOSING money, I had to suck it up & take it out of my savings account.) *Sigh*

"America's Next Top Model" blurb- I liked that Janet looked like Liza. It made her interesting. However, she was a little annoying. So, sure- kick her off. And I understand that Heather has Ausberger's, which makes her a little socially awkward, but MAN- she is so annoying. Yet- she's been Cover Girl's Model of the Week, like, every week, because she's "such an inspiration." Whatever. Don't know what it is- but she irritates the snot out of me. And that's why my sinuses are acting up!


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