Sunday, October 14, 2007

I Miss Project Runway

I'm watching the first season finale right now, and I realize just how much I miss it. C'mon November 14!!! (It's an early bday present from Bravo!)

I have been feeling all whuh whuh whuh all weekend. Whuh whuh whuh is an odd mixture of feeling like I have a sinus infection coming on, a headache, and being ridiculously sleepy. I didn't get to sleep til about 4 this morning because I couldn't get comfy. I woke up at 9 to read and fell asleep on the coach til 11. Got up, ate some popcorn, went back to reading, and fell asleep again til 1:45. I just feel like such crap.

I've decided I'm going to be a bride for Halloween. I didn't pay, like, $500 for a dress that I'm only gonna wear once. I'll do some make-up and be a dead bride. Way to Halloween it up!!

I've been trying to read "All the King's Men" by Robert Penn Warren, and it is so not my cup of tea. I've only made it thru 80 pages of the 376 I'm supposed to have read by Wednesday. I've been reading since LAST Wednesday & it's now Sunday.

I wanna go home & see K.B.'s baby, Sarah Audrey. I feel like such a crap friend. I never even got to see her pregnant & her baby's been here for over a month & I haven't even sent off her gift. (I've had it since she was born, BTW.)

I realize I've started every paragraph with "I."


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