Thursday, October 11, 2007

Losing Grip

My other 2 Blogs started with L', why not?

There is something going on with me that I'm not quite understanding. I think I may honestly be losing my mind. I can't remember to do ANYTHING! This month- my car insurance is due & I only worked 3 days @ the motel last week because Allison was coming into town. The week before that was my 32 hour week, so I knew my paycheck was gonna suck and that October was going to suck because we wouldn't have ANY money. So, what do I do? I forget to turn in my time-sheet at my other job! It's only about $100 per paycheck (I only work 8 hrs. a week), but it's a $100 that we REALLY could've used right now. Such an idiot, I am. Good job, Sayra!

A list of things I've forgotten to do lately (because I like lists):
  • Start reading "All the King's Men" for my webclass. (I finally picked it up & I'm not loving it yet.)
  • Print out 2 copies of my response for my Engl 424 class (I handwrote it on the back of his looks much longer in handwriting.)
  • Send out my mom's b-day card (Her b-day was Sept. 30)
  • Send K.B. her baby stuff I bought for Sarah (She was born Sept. 12!!! She's gonna grow out of the clothes before they ever get to her!!)
  • Send my grandma's Grandparent's Day card (That was Sept. 16)
  • Get my assignment out of my car
  • Bring a book back to the museum (It was due back 2 weeks ago.)
  • Burn the photos I took last night onto a disc! (Idiot! My BOSS had to do it. Not even my boss. My boss's boss. Score one for my letter of recommendation!)

That's enough for now, but I know I'm forgetting some.

Is it possible to go senile at 22?



BTW--I got an A on my Journalism package that I thought Dr. Schultz would rip me a new one for! Frickin SWEET!!! (Also, my story was met with mostly positive reviews in my Engl 424 class & I thought it was the biggest piece of poo that I'd ever written.)

What do those things have in common?

  • I forgot to do them til the VERY last second!

1 comment:

KDRocker said...

awww, don't feel bad. I can't remember shit either!