Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Dear 107,

You came in talking on your cell phone and then wouldn't get off of it to talk to me (STRIKE ONE!) You looked pretty sketchy & you wouldn't get off of the phone talking about how staying at the motel is probably best. Not knowing the rest of your conversation, and based on experience, I'm guessing it's a domestic dispute. A domestic dispute that I do NOT want in my lobby all night. AND THEN- you proceeded to tell ME what the rate should be. Because you "stayed here a few weeks ago on a Friday at $55.00!" Even though, I've worked here in a year and we have NEVER given that rate on a weekend & only VERY rarely give it on a weeknight. BUT- you would know better than me right? (STRIKE TWO!) So yeah- I put on in the back. And HELL NO- I'm not giving you a discount.

AND THEN- you come back! "I'm not staying in the back. I have small children and I don't like the way it looks out there. You need to find me something in the hall!" (STRIKE THREE! I don't NEED to do shit for you.) How was I supposed to know that you had small children? (P.S. 13-yrs-old doesn't qualify as a small child- I was babysitting at that age.) You didn't bring ANY of them in w/ you & I didn't see ANY of them in the car. THEN- you make a big show out of having to lug the baby in the carrier back and forth to your car on your FIVE trips to get your stuff. Why didn't the 13-year-old help you? Or why couldn't the 13-year-old stay in the room and watch the baby while you got the stuff? She's obviously capable, seeing as you left her in the car both times watching the baby unattended? You get no sympathy points from me.

I can't wait to find a different job.


Thursday, November 15, 2007

Dropping the Ball

I've been dropping the ball on this lonely little blog that only I read.

But hey- I've been dropping the ball on life, too. So, what can I do? I had a bad day Monday, so I kinda let the rest of the week roll along on that. Monday- I only worked 2 hours @ Media Relations because I lost my desk. As I'm not a full-time employee and only a mere intern, it was only a matter of time before a full-time employee got my 1/2 of a shared office. However, it upset me in ways that I'm sure aren't completly rational. Plus, the other workstations were already occupied by other interns who long ago in the semester set up their residency at them.

Then, I had a raging headache most of the day. No fun. However, my sweetie brought me a slice of pumpkin cheesecake (YUM!) and a slice of Godiva Chocolate cheesecake (...eh...ok.) to soothe things over. It really helped. I love him madly. Plus, I made Cajun Chicken Pasta (or...CCP for those in the know.) It's probably my favorite food.

Tuesday- it was my turn to have my story critiqued in class. Needless to say, I was a nervous WRECK all day long. I was so afraid of what my classmates would say to me. Especially since I'm falling towards the end of the line of critiques and my responses to other people's stories haven't always been so friendly. I even probably over-critiqued my best class/work friend's story. (Sorry 'bout that.) I get into critic mode & I just can't take my own medicine! However, it went okay. I had some pretty harsh stuff, but it wasn't anything I hadn't already thought of. And it did lead into a huge discussion of "The Gilmore Girls" & I've never actually sat through an entire episode of it. I always felt that the dialogue was just recited. It was like the actors weren't actually even listening to each other, they were just spitting out their lines. Plus, quite frankly- Alexis Bledel's forehead is frightening. And also, I'm not really buying a show where the mom is hotter than the daughter. I'm just putting it out there.

We had some extra chicken left over from the CCP, and we decided the previous night's CCP was SO delicious that we just HAD to have MORE! So- we drove to WalMart to buy some more alfredo sauce & penne noodles. While there, we were like, "What's better than chicken in pasta? Chicken AND shrimp, of course!" SO- we bought some of that & had a rather tasty CC&SP! And I still have leftovers of that in my fridge. Which I will eat probably tonight.

Wednesday-that being yesterday- was TERRIBLE! My hubby went out of town w/ some friends to a NerdCon. It's the first time we've slept apart since we've gotten married. :-( And we'd only slept apart a few nights before then while I was away at my bridal shower/bachelorette party and then the night before the wedding!! So, like, maybe 5 nights total in our 2 years together & now we're spending 4 nights in a row apart! I don't like it. So, last night, I was so freaked out all night that I was hearing things that I barely slept because I didn't have my hubby there to protect me. This morning, I realized that for the first time EVER, I left my keys in the lock on the door. Someone could've EASILY walked in, all the while my husband was not there to protect me. Thank God no one did walk in. But- it's still unnerving. I keep thinking, "What if someone got my keys & made a copy so they can come in later?" SCARY!

Plus, I have to do NewsWatch on Wednesdays, which I ALWAYS hate. Hate! Hate. Hate!! to do.

Today has been crazy. I had to interview someone at 10:30 and then film some stuff. Because of problems w/ the camera, I didn't get done til about 12. Then, I tried to quickly upload & edit my stuff before my class @ 1, but that didn't happen. So, I didn't make it to class! AGAIN! Seriously- what is WRONG w/ me?!?

And, since I have to be in the editing lab @ 8 in the morning, there's a very low possibility that I'll make it to class tomorrow, too. AND- I have to make up 2 hours of MedRel, too. ACK! Fridays are supposed to be my sleeping in day! GAG!


Thursday, November 1, 2007

the plague

I pretty much have it. Yesterday, I woke up all congested. I literally think that I had not a single ounce of any type of liquid in my head. At all. Including the liquid that is supposed to surround my brain. I felt bad and skipped out on my Media Relations job and my NewsWatch. I'm sure I'll get in trouble for that, but I could barely function my cell phone, much less a camera- or my car.

Today, I woke up with no voice and sore and achy. Nose running, and other gross functions which I won't share, but made me say, "I should probably go to the Student Health Center." Needless to say- I'm on my 5th semester here & I've only gone there ONCE before. I have to be damn near dead to go to see a doctor.

Turns out, I have an inner ear infection in BOTH ears & a sinus infection. I got a shot in my butt. OUCH! That was a new feeling. And $90 worth of pills. Amoxicillan and Zyrtec. Hopefully, I will be feeling better by tomorrow. I don't do being sick very well.

I'm waiting for the other evening clerk to get out of class so she can relieve me from the misery of being nearly dead and working at the Super 8. I just pray she gets out of class early.
